The Most Affordable 1-on-1 Math Online Tutoring

Expert tutoring for K-12 students. Boost grades, build confidence, and master math.

Get the first session for free. No credit card required.

Math Learning, Scaled Up

5.2K+ students. 786K+ sessions. One mission: making math simple, engaging, and fun.

The flexible schedule and friendly tutor keep her engaged and encouraged at every step. Each session boosts her confidence and enthusiasm for learning. She now finds fractions fun and continues to grow in her understanding of numbers.

Wayne’s mom

My child goes beyond rote math memorization - Mentor Match tutors empower children to explore, understand, and excel. Their AI-led diagnostics truly work, and I’m excited to see my son thrive with their guidance.

Noah’s mom

My 10yo son went from hating math to loving it! Mentor Match made learning fun and affordable.

Anand’s dad

Weekly Assessments
Mapped to School Curriculum
Biweekly Parent Catch Up
Homework Help
Easy-to-follow lesson plans
24/7 parent support team

Expert Tutors, Powered by AI-Led Diagnostics

Our expert tutors use AI-led diagnostics to personalize math learning, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

1-on-1 Attention

Personalized tutoring sessions tailored to each student’s learning style, pace, and academic needs for better understanding.

Regular Progress Reports & AI Diagnostic Insights

Parents receive detailed reports on their child’s milestones, achievements, and focus areas for transparency and growth.

Instant Tutor Replacement Guarantee

If a tutor isn’t the right fit, Mentor Match offers a free instant replacement to ensure your child always gets the best support.

No Questions Asked Refund Policy

If you don't see the expected benefits, we'll refund your money for the remaining unused sessions