The struggle is real! Studies show that 64% parents have trouble solving their child’s homework problems — and it doesn’t help that teachers rely on homework to assess their students’ aptitude for learning. But not to worry — we are here with some actionable hacks from our experts that will change homework into something your child looks forward to and finishes with interest, and not just for the sake of doing it.

It’s like turning spinach into candy (well, almost)!

1. Work Together:

We get it, your schedule is packed with work right? Here’s a tip: work side by side with your child during their homework time. While you’re responding to those work emails or meeting deadlines, they can dive into their assignments. Share a quick snack and joke around in between. This way, you’re not just present; you’re actively engaged in their learning process. It’s like showing them how to be focused and some sense of responsibility while getting your work done too. It’s a great way for you both to be productive while enjoying each other’s company.

2. Pals Play Date:

Studies show that combined studies improve a child’s focus and make homework a faster and more enjoyable task. Changing your child’s usual boring homework routine into a group study session where not only your child, but also their friends, come together to share ideas, solutions and work on assignments. This strategy works wonders for slightly older elementary school children, making the whole homework experience more interactive and fun.

a man woman and a child looking at a laptop

Hosting a pals play date is not just a win for your child as they get to enjoy the company of friends while completing task — but also for you and the parents of friends! So consider taking turns with other parents to try out this fabulous homework hack.

3. Cross-Teaching:

Consider this simple yet effective homework strategy: Cross Teaching. When your child returns home from school, encourage them to share what they’ve learned in their own way. Change the traditional teacher-to-child by letting your child take on the role of the teacher. Engage with them by asking curious questions and becoming a student. By adopting this approach during casual moments, such as rides to or from school, you create a quick and easy way to make homework more interactive and enjoyable. This method not only enhances your child’s interest and confidence in the material but also turns the process of completing homework into a fun and engaging activity!

4. Online Learning:

There are some fantastic apps and websites that make learning feel like a game, by bringing concepts and topics to life with quizzes, real life examples and fun graphics. You can even peruse through YouTube and find fun and informative channels to watch together!

Our personal top tip for online learning is: talk to your child’s teacher to find out which apps they use in school. This way, you can support what they’re learning at home, and it’ll be a breeze.

5. Get Help When Needed

Homework can be frustrating, especially when your child finds the material confusing or just downright boring, making the task at hand seem like a battle. If your child is facing a struggle, it’s essential to step in and offer some assistance. But here’s the catch: we know you’re busy.

In times when you’re busy, consider finding a mentor or a guardian who can lend a helping hand. Whether it’s a family member, a friend, or even a teacher, having someone else guide your child through their homework can make a world of difference. This not only provides the support your child needs but also takes a bit of the load off your busy schedule.

The bottom line is to help them finish their homework in a way that feels like playing a game. So, keep the learning fun, and remember, we’re all here to support them every step of the way.

And finally, as frustrating as it gets, we shouldn’t put too much pressure on our kids or ourselves. After all, they’re just figuring it out, and if we don’t cheer them on, who will?

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