As understanding and thorough learning come into the picture, a variety of learning methods have gained popularity. These methods make grasping concepts much easier for kids. For example, there is an experiential Learning Model (Klob learning), which tosses you into a hands-on experience. Then, there’s Gregorc Learning, helping you figure out whether your mind leans towards concrete or abstract thinking — it’s like finding your personal thinking style. The Honey Mumford Model Guides your child from a zero to hero, navigating through the stages of mastery. And finally, our personal favourite, there’s the 5E learning model, which is used by NASA itself to train their astronauts.

The reason we love the 5E model is its effectiveness and user-friendly design, which really help cater to each child’s unique learning needs. Comprising the stages of Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate, this model offers a structured and flexible framework for active and inquiry-based learning. It also prioritizes the development of critical thinking skills essential for success in challenging environments.

By incorporating the 5E Learning Model, not only are astronauts effectively prepared for the challenges of space, but it has also become a guiding star for educators and trainers in various fields.

What does each of the 5 E’s represent, and how exactly can you use it to help your child with their learning? Let’s Explore!

1. Engage: Sparking Curiosity

The first phase of the 5E Learning Model, “Engage,” is all about capturing the learner’s attention and igniting their curiosity. This phase includes interactive activities, simulations, and discussions designed to generate excitement and interest in the subject matter. To spark curiosity at home, parents can begin by introducing stories, videos, or real-world examples related to the topic they want to teach. This could mean watching a documentary together, exploring the science of cooking together or even involving them in financial discussions.

2. Explore: Hands-On Learning

The “Explore” phase is all about hands-on learning. At this stage, kids participate in practical exercises and experiments that allow them to experience subject related phenomena first hand. Hands-on learning in a home setting can involve practical activities and experiments that align with the subject. For example, if teaching about plants, parents can guide their children in planting seeds, observing growth, and conducting simple experiments to understand concepts like photosynthesis.

a child wearing a helmet pointing up

3. Explain: Understanding the Concepts

Once students are actively engaged and have explored the subject matter, it’s time to “Explain.” In this phase, instructors provide a structured framework for understanding the subject topics so that students can learn the how and why of that particular subject. Parents can provide structured explanations by breaking down complex topics into simple segments. Using diagrams, or storytelling techniques can make explanations more accessible and engaging. Encouraging open communication and addressing their child’s questions helps the learning process.

And if you’re feeling lost with few topics — learn with your child! This exercise will help you explore together and learn from each other.

4. Elaborate: Going Deeper

The “Elaborate” phase encourages the students to dive deeper into the subject matter. They’re encouraged to ask questions, work on projects, and engage in collaborative learning. Involving older kids in household financial discussions provides real-life context, fostering practical skills alongside theoretical knowledge. How many times have we wished schools would teach us about the real world alongside our subjects! As parents, you can facilitate projects, discussions, or activities that promote critical thinking and creative exploration.

5. Evaluate: Assessing Mastery

In the final phase, “Evaluate,” parents can assess students about mastery of the subject and skills needed. They use various evaluation methods, including tests, and real-life scenarios, to ensure that kids are fully prepared. Assessing mastery at home involves informal methods such as observing a child’s ability to explain concepts, solving problems, or completing tasks related to the subject. This can boost a child’s learning by asking about their day at school and what they’ve learnt, and having short quizzes or discussions.

The 5E learning model has been a game changer for me as a teacher. This model has made teaching dynamic and created an engaging space where students are actively involved in their education, encouraging positive growth.

-Richa, Teacher and Mother of Two

While the 5E model might seem intimidating initially, it’s remarkably easy to implement and a fantastic way to engage with your child’s education. Students, guided by teachers and mentors, have embraced this approach, leading to great success. The 5E model ignites curiosity, encourages exploration and in-depth learning, offers clear explanations, and assesses mastery empowering students to get to new heights in their educational journeys.

So give it a shot and kickstart your kid’s journey to the stars 🌠

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