Parenthood is a constantly evolving journey. Our once sweet little kids transform into energetic—sometimes mischievous—teenagers. The high school years are a whirlwind of exploration, self-discovery, and boundless curiosity.

It's a time when they immerse themselves in different subjects, discover their strengths and weaknesses. Sure, they might test our patience and push boundaries, but it's all part of the beautiful chaos of growing up. 

As a single mom, I've been right there in the trenches, raising a curious teenager who's now juggling engineering studies and dominating on the basketball court. And I'm in the thick of it with another one on the way!

Hey There, I’m Alice, a proud single mother of my two adorable children, Mike and Amelia. Navigating academics and extracurriculars in high school is something most parents I’ve spoken to have trouble with. There was a period in high school when Mike had a tough time with Math, but he turned things around—Mike was full of creative spirits and was ever-energetic, especially when it came to sports. He was a fantastic baseball player! But despite all this, there was one thing that always worried me—his Math grades. Since Mike’s dad wasn’t around, it’s been all on me to take care of his education and make sure he’s doing well—academically, physically and mentally.

I’ve tried to get Mike interested in Math for a while then. Despite all my efforts, his Math grades were on a decline. I tried group classes, online resources, and even spoke to his teachers, but nothing seemed to work! Mike just wasn’t getting the hang of his Math portions, and his interest in schoolwork was taking a hit because of it. 

When I was really stressed out, a friend of mine came to the rescue. She told me about how she got a virtual tutor for her kid, and it made a big difference in his K12 grades! That got me thinking—maybe an online tutor could help Mike too?

I gave it a shot and hired Neo, an online tutor, to teach Mike. I was hoping for a slight improvement in his grades, so he could make it to a good uni on scholarship—I definitely wasn’t expecting Mike’s whole attitude toward Math to change! He started to actually enjoy it, and he worked hard on Math problems, looking forward to his lessons with Neo as much as he did to his baseball games. It was amazing to see! As time went on, Mike’s Math grades got much better, especially in the early exams. To my surprise and happiness, he ended up as one of the top scorers in his AP exams!

  • Alice, a parent who has been associated with Mentor Match since her first child was in high school.

Wondering how Mike’s academic life changed so dramatically under Neo’s guidance? Well, it wasn’t just luck; it was a well-thought-out plan! The good news is that you can apply similar principles to enhance your child’s learning journey as well.

Make Math fun with games:

  • Turn Math lessons into exciting games, just like Neo did with Mike. The most challenging part for kids with Math anxiety is losing confidence before they even attempt a problem. Learning through games can help remove that fear, and your child will start to enjoy these fun lessons.

Make Math a part of everyday life:

  • Just like movie night, or watching your favorite sitcom together, make Math familiar and enjoyable for your child. Integrate learning Math into daily fun activities, and it’ll become second nature for them. For instance, for younger kids, create stories where characters need to solve Math problems to save the day. For older kids, discuss how algebra is used in predicting climatic patterns. This not only makes Math engaging but also sparks creativity.

Improvise on basics:

  • The best way to improve scores isn’t diving into complex topics for higher marks. Instead, it’s all about building a rock-solid foundation in the basics. Once the basics are strong, it becomes much easier to solve complex problems in the long run!

5E Learning model:

  • The 5E Learning Model, consisting of Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate stages, can be used in Math to engage students by presenting real-world problems, let them actively explore the concept, explain the Math concept clearly, provide opportunities for deeper understanding (elaborate), and assess their learning (evaluate). This approach enhances active learning and comprehension of Math concepts

Engaging Worksheets:

  • Consistent practice is essential in mastering Math. Worksheets are one of the best ways to keep up with your child’s practice. But not just any worksheets—use intriguing and interesting ones designed to break down problems and simplify complex concepts. These worksheets make Math enjoyable, motivating students to dive in and solve them with enthusiasm.

In the end, the key is to remove any fear or hesitation around the subject. For this, patience and kindness are your best tools—by setting achievable goals, taking one step at a time, and letting the child explore at their own speed, you can make Math something to be curious about, rather than feared. Each child learns uniquely, so it’s essential to respect their individual pace and style.

By following these effective methods, you can watch your child’s scores skyrocket. Worried about time? Don’t be—you can always trust us to connect your child with one of our many tutors, just like Neo. It’s hard for working parents to shoulder full academic responsibility, which is why we’re here to help! Mentor Match strives to make learning not only effective but also enjoyable, providing your child with the support they need to grow.

So give our pointers a shot, or meet a top tutor like Neo in a Mentor Match free trial class!

[K12 math help, improve child's math grades, fun ways to learn math, math anxiety, online math tutor US, 5E Learning Model, engaging math worksheets US]